"My advice is to go into something and stay with it until you like it. You can't like it until you obtain expertise in that work. And once you are an expert, it's a pleasure." ~ Milton Garland

Friday, May 6, 2011

Fri. PM Writing

I did it. I managed 120 minutes of swamp maintenance as well as spring-cleaning the kitchen. That was all I got to since it was all so physically taxing--but I. Finished. It.

1) I love that I can cook in a nice, clean, organized kitchen.

2) I love that the organizing part was pretty minimal. I really do "keep up" with the clutter.

3) I'm glad that Brian's workday is tomorrow and that there are very few to no yard sales. That means I can Swamp Maintain AND finish the final two rooms of spring cleaning. The basement was kind of "done" before the Grays. The only organizing I need to do down there is the sewing area. We won't talk about the fire room.

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