"My advice is to go into something and stay with it until you like it. You can't like it until you obtain expertise in that work. And once you are an expert, it's a pleasure." ~ Milton Garland

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Downstairs Freezer

2 C containers chopped tomatoes - 5
2 C bags chopped tomatoes - 15
2 C container mexcan soup - 1
Bug - 1

SHELF 1: (Beef)
2 C containers beef stock - 10
1 lb. bags raw ground beef - 2
5 Potato skins
2 C bags pureed yellow squash - 13
2 C bags pureed winter mix (potato, parsnip, onion, rutabega, sw. pot., carrot) - 3

SHELF 2: (Poultry and Seafood)
BLSL - 2 large pkgs, 2 small pkgs.
Shrimp - 2 bags
2 C bags chopped yellow peppers - 6
Asian Chicken Legs - 1 pkg.

SHELF 3: (Pork)
Ground - 1 large pkg
Roast - 1/2 in honey mustard almond marinade
3 hambones
Chopped Tom. - 6 containers

Shelf 4: (Vegetables)
2 pkgs chopped onions
1 bag szechwan blend
1 bag stir-fry blend
1 bag spinnach
1 bag collards
1 bag okra
1 bag blackeyed peas
3 bags whole green beans (2011)
2 bags beans (store)
2 bags corn
1 bag green peas

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